Hey folks, Greg here, I’m looking for content writers with knowledge of WordPress, SEO, affiliate marketing and other online money making opportunities.

If this sounds like you, please contact me with your rates and examples of your work. 

Obviously, everyone won’t be a good fit for this site. So I listed some other opportunities below.

“Here are another two great opportunities for you to make money with your writing skills. “

1. Monetize Your Own Content – Learn How with a free WA Starter Membership
2. Get Hired By Other WA Members. (Coming soon)

I’m a member of a program called Wealthy Affiliate (WA for short). WA is a platform that over million affiliate markers use for their money making WordPress websites. I have 12 websites running on thier web hoasting, including this one.

Some members create all their own articles while others hire writers like you for just about every topic.

They will soon be adding a new service to their platform for hiring writers. I only got a sneak peek at this, so I can’t tell you all the details yet. But I know there will be a lot of people looking for writers.

They also show you how to create blogs, get free traffic to your blogs, and earn money among tons of other things.

It’s Free To Join

You can check them out and get a FREE membership here “An Inside Look At Wealthy Affiliate. 101 Reasons Why To Get A Free Wealthy Affiliate Starter Account Today!

Talk to you soon,
