Bulletproof Profits ($3,750 A Day Or Scam) A Legit Review

Published by Greg on

Bulletproof Profits Review Avoid

Is Bulletproof Profits a Scam or Legit? (2021) Bulletproof Profits Review  

Are you wondering if Enter your email address below to start generating up to $3,750 a day! GUARANTEED

Can you really make $2000 a day, $1400 a week$50,000 a month as they say? And you better act fast, it’s only for a limited time. It only takes seven clicks.

We heard this kind of nonsense before in other Click Bank Marketplace Scams such as Daily Cash Siphon, Silk Road Effect and many other products I reviewed but let’s take a closer look.

My review of Bulletproof Profits will be detailed out in the following sections:

  • What Is Bulletproof Profits?
  • How Bulletproof Profits Actually Works
  • Is Bulletproof Profits a Scam or Legit?
  • Bulletproof Profits Conclusion plus my My Secret Weapon For Online Success (Free Membership – No Credit Card Needed)

Are You Trying To Make Money Online But Nothing You Try Ever Works? Check Out My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online  – Get A Free Membership Right Now. – No Credit Card Needed.

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What Is Bulletproof Profits?

  • Product Name: Bulletproof Profits
  • Website: https://yourbulletproofprofits.com/
  • Headline Claim On Website: Exclusive Invitation: Discover How You Can Start Making Up To $3,750 Today With Just 7 Simple Clicks!
  • Owner/Creator: Justin Tyler
  • Price At Time Of This Review: $9.00
  • Upsells: Yes
  • Red Flags: Absolutely. Fake testimonials and outrageous claims of earning large sumlarge sums of money quickly without doing anything.
  • Do I Recommend This? Absolutely not. — Here’s My #1 Recommendation for earning a living online. (Free Starter Membership)

I typically get introduced to these offers/products through emails. I got a few emails promoting Bulletproof Profits.

Here’s a copy of 2 emails promoting Bulletproof Profits minus the links and names.

Email 1

Subject: I want the best for you… [Name]

Hey [Name],

Do you know biggest reason why there’s so much struggles and pain in the world?

Divorces… robberies…and sufferings…

If you think about it, the biggest cause for all of these is due to the lack of income.

[And this is why I want to pass this to you… So that money can no longer be a concern for you]

This is because I want the best for you…

To start paying off all your debts…

To start buying the things you always wanted…

And even for you to bring your family on little holidays!

[So if you’re looking to live the dream life that you deserve, click here now!]


–End of Email 1

Email 2

Subject: Easiest way to claim $1000?

What if just by watching this short video, you can start generate an

additional $1000 easily by the next morning?

[Click here to watch the instructional video]

I’m pretty sure you will be kicking yourself if you don’t.

As I’m pretty sure this video would be taken down soon. 

(Too many people will start exploiting this)

[Click here to watch the video before it’s too late]


— End of Email 2

How Bulletproof Profits Actually Works

Is Bulletproof Profits A Scam Or Legit?


I will never recommend a product that has fake testimonials and makes such outrageous claims of making so much money without doing much work. This is not legitimate folks.

In the photo below noticed that Liz Harper, a supposed Facebook live feed testimonial is just a stock photo from shutterstock.com

Bulletproof fake Facebook feed

Next up we have video testimonials from actors on fiverr.com here is a screenshot of this girl from the bullet proof profits video.

Bulletproof fake fiverr

And here is a screenshot of her Fiverr profile I’ve seen her in other shady products testimonial videos.

fiverr profile girl

Bulletproof Profits Conclusion Plus My Secret Weapon For Online Success (Free Membership – No Credit Card Needed)

I hope this Bulletproof Profits review will save you some time and money!

As you can see there is way too many red flags to even consider this product. If you really want to learn how to make money online check out my number one recommendation listed below.

Here’s My Secret Weapon For Online Success

If you’re serious about learning how to make money online please check out what I have to say here. This is a 100% scam free and risk-free opportunity. You don’t even need a credit card to sign up.


Think about this:  You probably found my website by searching for Bulletproof Profits. Wouldn’t you like people to find your website in the same way?  Imagine having traffic come to your website without spending money on ads and promotions.

Take A Look: Here’s just a small fraction of what to expect with your Free Membership.

  • A community of like-minded entrepreneurs who are motivated to making a full-time income with affiliate marketing.
  • Exclusive tips, strategies, videos, Q&As, etc. all about affiliate marketing so you’re up to date.
  • Real testimonials from real members, each member has their own profile that you can read.
  • Post questions, tips, and/or experiences with affiliate marketing you have.
  • Two free websites on the SiteRubix Platform.
  • Anyone is welcome to join. It’s like having your own affiliate marketing mastermind group!

Plus get free one on one coaching from me included with your free membership.

Top Reasons To Get A Wealthy Affiliate Starter Account Today

Have you tried Bulletproof Profits?

If you have any questions or just want to say hi, please leave any comments below.



Categories: Reviews


Michael James · March 23, 2019 at 5:12 pm

So you haven’t actually tried it…?

    Greg · March 26, 2019 at 7:39 am

    Absolutely not. As you can see there is way too many red flags to even consider this product.

    Fake testimonials.
    Outrageous claims of making large sums of money without doing much work.
    Claims of making money fast.

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