What is internet marketing strategies, digital strategies, and online strategies? Simply put, internet marketing strategies are any strategy one uses to market on the internet.

For the purpose of this article, I’m going to focus on internet marketing strategies and how it relates to affiliate marketing.

Why affiliate marketing? 18 Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing Is The Best And Easiest Way To Make Extra Money Online

Coming up with a strategy for your business is key to your success. There are hundreds of people and courses online teaching how to make money online. They all seem to have different blueprints and or/and strategies, so it can get somewhat confusing and overwhelming at times. Let’s break it down.

Having the proper knowledge and sticking to one strategy long enough to achieve success is essential to building a lasting business.

First Things First

Here are a few things you will want to decide before building an affiliate marketing website. This is more of a blueprint than a strategy and is fundamental to the structure of your website(s).

  • Who is your target audience? Knowing your target audience will greatly improve your success rate when building your websites.
  • Niche site or authority site?  niche domain vs a brand name.
  • Domain name. Researching a good domain can help in search engines.
  • Web Hosting. Choosing the right web hosting for your website can dramatically affect your websites speed, SEO, security, overall visitors experience, search engine rankings and more. SiteRubix includes all of this and more.
  • Content management system. WordPress, Wix or other. I prefer Wordpress.
  • The theme for your website. A well-designed website is simple to make these days. You want to choose a theme that has a great layout and font size without too much extra stuff.
  • SEO – Setting up your site for SEO success. (Search engine optimization).
  • Valuable Feedback for your site.
  • An affiliate program or programs for your site. There are thousands of affiliate program out there to choose from. Some pay more than others, so it’s worth researching these beforehand.


All the things mentioned above are key to a solid foundation and focus for your website. And you can get all of the above tools in one place.

I use Wealthy Affiliate/SiteRubix for all my websites. They provide all the tools needed to start and grow an online business for a niche site or building an authority site. It’s a one-stop shop with a proven track record.

Whether you are just getting started, have some experience, or are an ultra-successful affiliate marketer, Wealthy Affiliate is made for you! 

Take an Inside Look At Wealthy Affiliate and signup for a free account Today!

Wealthy Affiliate / SiteRubix

Let’s take a look at what Wealthy Affiliate / SiteRubix has to offer.

What is Wealthy Affiliate About? (Legit or Scam?) Overview

A few benefits of WA.

Free Starter Membership with 2 free websites.

All of your own [YOURSITE.com] domain names come with free SSL, privacy protection email address backups, built-in Spam Protection, SiteSpeed, and more.

SiteRubix – Fast install of WordPress. Pick from thousands of beautiful website designs and Install WordPress in about 30 secs. WordPress powers beautiful websites for businesses, professionals, and bloggers.

The All In One SEO WordPress plugin is preinstalled. Use All in One SEO Pack to optimize your WordPress site for SEO. It’s easy and works out of the box for beginners, and has advanced features and an API for developers.

One of the many unique features of WA is that you can get feedback on your website form other more experienced users of the platform.

Whether your new or a seasoned pro to affiliate marketing, it’s best to get a solid education, support.

Ok, now that we got a good foundation for your website let’s take a look at a few things to consider when coming with your strategy. All these things are taught inside Wealthy Affiliate.

Internet Marketing Strategies

Ok, now that we got a good foundation for your website let’s take a look at a few things to consider when coming up with your strategy. All these things are taught in-depth inside Wealthy Affiliate. Take A Look And Get A Free Membership.

  • Organic Traffic by keywords.
  • Paid Traffic by placing ads.
  • Social Media Traffic. Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, and More.
  • Email Marketing.
  • Promote a single product or service or multiple products.

My top strategy for online marketing is getting organic traffic by researching keywords.

I use a tool call Jaaxy for my keyword research. When doing keyword research you want to find keywords or phrases that have high search volumes and low quoted search results. This way you have an advantage of getting on the first page of Google and other search engines.

It is best to only use one keyword or keyword phrase per article.

You will get a range of other keywords naturally if your content is useful and helpful to others. That is one of the side effects of great content.

For example, let’s say your niche is in weight loss. The term weight loss would have too much competition. You would need to narrow it down to weight loss for elderly people, weight loss after the holidays or keep trying to find one that works.

Keyword research is also a great way to find domain names for your particular niche. Although it’s been said that it’s not as important as before. Keyword domain names are still a great benefit and I have used him on many of my sites.

For example, let’s say your site is about cheap guitar pedals. I created a site called GuitarPedalsOnTheCheap.com and as a result, my website is on the first page of Google for that keyword phrase and a few others.

There are so many ways to create a site. For now, check out WA and get a free account and learn more inside.

Take an Inside Look At Wealthy Affiliate and signup for a free account Today!




Ruth · October 6, 2018 at 2:18 am

Thank you for an informative article about affiliate marketing. I have not being doing affiliate marketing long but I understand the basics. You did a very good job of breaking it down for me into words I completely understood. It is true that affiliate marketing seems to be key to making money online. I agree about strategy. I think if you ask anyone successful and they likely had a thought out strategy and good goals firmly in place. Wealthy affiliate seems to have it all and you can sign up for free. literally nothing to lose. Keep up the good work. Thanks

    Greg · October 6, 2018 at 5:10 am


Billy.W. · October 6, 2018 at 2:11 am

Hey Greg, truly such a great article that you have written here. I liked it for the following reasons.

the comprehensive info provided r.e. affiliate marketing

Great simple easy to read layout of our article

Written in an easy to read conversational style, really relatable!!

I believe 100 % in the digital economy and hope to one day be a well paid digital nomad living and working where i want to !!

Awesome article and good work here Greg,thanks heaps for sharing this

    Greg · October 6, 2018 at 5:10 am


flowstash · October 6, 2018 at 2:01 am

Hey I use Wealthy Affiliate too. I am always on there hustling =).

I have been using Organic Traffic by using keywords for a long while now. And with my experience so far, a lot of my pages and posts from my website hit top ranks in search engines especially Google.

It’s a pretty effective method to get ranked high. However, I am curious about the Paid Traffic by Placing Ads technique because I haven’t tried it yet. Do you know how much it is to do that type of stuff?

    Greg · October 6, 2018 at 5:11 am

    I haven’t been using paid traffic, so I’m not sure. 

Jim · October 6, 2018 at 1:39 am

Hi Greg. 

Well you definitely have me excited. Thank you so much for your informative article. I’m definitely interested in Internet Marketing. I have searched on the web for many months for an opportunity like this. There are so many scams on the internet at the moment that it is really refreshing to find some honesty. I will have a look at Wealthy Affiliate, and I’m particularly interested in the two free sites and training you mentioned. You don’t want to know how mush my last experience cost me. 

All the best, 


    Greg · October 6, 2018 at 2:04 am

    Thanks Jim

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