(Exposed) Easy Cash Club Review Earn Over $379 Per Day On YouTube Or Just A Scam?

Published by Greg on

Easy Cash Club Review Earn Over $379 Per Day On YouTube Or Just A Scam?

Is Easy Cash Club a Scam or Legit? Can this software and program earn you $379 per day on YouTube or is this just another ClickBank Marketplace Scam

Here’s my Easy Cash Club Review

My review of Easy Cash Club will be detailed out in the following sections:

  • What Is Easy Cash Club?
  • How Easy Cash Club Actually Works
  • Is Easy Cash Club a Scam or Legit?
  • Create Your Own Money Making Website (Free Membership – No Credit Card Needed)

If You Don’t Want To Waste Any More Time On Scams, See My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online And Get A Free Membership Today. – No Credit Card Needed.

WA Learn More

What Is Easy Cash Club?

  • Product Name: Easy Cash Club
  • Website: http://easycash.club
  • Headline Claim On Website: Watch How I Earn Over $379 Per Day With No Work
  • Product Type: How to earn money on YouTube and with affiliate marketing.
  • Price At Time Of This Review: $37 with 3 upsells
  • Red Flags: Fake testimonials and outrageous claims of making lots of money without doing much work. False scarcity tactics.
  • Do I Recommend This? No. Absolutely Not. Anytime a company uses fake testimonials I simply don’t trust them. Here’s My #1 Recommendation for earning a living online. (Free Starter Membership)

As with many online programs I received an email here is a copy of the email I received – I remove links and names.


If I told you to watch a video and you’d be paid 500. EASILY.

Would you do it? If the answer is yes.

Click here to watch that video now.

You will be kicking yourself if you don’t. So far I’ve never seen anyone being so kind.

Get your payment here now

Chat you soon,

How Easy Cash Club Actually Works

In short, this is software the takes text and translates it to audio and makes videos for you to upload onto YouTube with the hopes of making money from these videos. You can also earn money from affiliate links in your video descriptions.

If you ever seen a video like this (robot voices talk) on YouTube, you know how unappealing they are.

Furthermore, you need to have a YouTube account that has a least 1000 subscribers, 4,000 watch hours in the previous 12 months and meet other requirements to be eligible to earn money on YouTube. – YouTube Partner Program Overview

In addition you need to get lots of views on your YouTube videos to earn money.

Is Easy Cash Club A Scam Or Legit?


Whenever these companies use fake testimonials and make outrageous bogus claims, I think it’s safe to say it’s not legit. Take a look at these false scarcity tactics, bogus claims, and false testimonials, then decide for yourself.

There may be some useful information in Easy Cash Club and you may learn a few things, but can’t recommend a product that has fake testimonials. And you’ll never make $379 per day without doing any work.

Furthermore, building a YouTube channel with lots of followers and becoming an influencer is harder than they make it sound with Easy Cash Club.


Bogus Claims:

Learn How I Earn Over$379 Per Day With No Work!

Big Bogus Claims Easy Cash Club

In just a few minutes it’ll be making money.

Allowing him to become a multi-millionaire Without owning a website, Without having any experience making money online, Without taking up too much of my time, Without investing thousands of dollars in useless products that do not work.

He was able to go from barely nothing to be able to afford an apartment, to own a yacht, one of those ‘super-cars’ and more… and all through the simple use of my software

If you’re still seeing this page… there’s at least one spot left…

Grab it before somebody else does and steals your software that’s already making you money…. Sign up now so you too can start making thousands of dollars in the next 24 hours.

False Scarcity Tactics

Don’t bookmark this page and expect it here tomorrow

If you’re still seeing this page… there’s at least one spot left…

Fake Testimonials

Here is a list of some other companies that have hired fake testimonials that I reviewed recently:

Fake testimonials.
Fake testimonials

Don’t be fooled by ClickBank Marketplace Scams, see the offer below and connect with a legitimate community of online entrepreneurs.

Create Your Own Money Making Website (Free Membership – No Credit Card Needed)

If you’re serious about learning how to make money online please check out what I have to say here. This is a 100% scam free and risk-free opportunity. You don’t even need a credit card to sign up.


Think about this: You probably found my website by searching for Easy Cash Club. Wouldn’t you like people to find your website in the same way?  Imagine having traffic come to your website without spending money on ads and promotions.

Take A Look: Here’s just a small fraction of what to expect with your Free Membership.

  • A community of like-minded entrepreneurs who are motivated to making a full-time income with affiliate marketing.
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Have you tried Easy Cash Club?

If you have any questions or just want to say hi, please leave any comments below.



Categories: Reviews